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Logo Design and Print Production Examples
Whether its creator-owned comics where designers are essential parts of the creative team or projects like Leopard’s, design has become increasingly important in comics. You can see it across the board. Its value is accelerating.
Building a Better (Looking) Future:
Examining the Increased Focus on Design in Comics

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If you have any questions please feel free to reach out! leopardbones (at)
... Leopard, you do remarkable work, and you are the unsung hero of this tremendous book, elevating something that’s already great into something even more. That’s not to diminish I.N.J. Culbard’s work, but his art is so beautifully complemented by Leopard’s design that these covers are perpetually amongst my favorites. I love everything about them, and this one, which features our heroes encircled by danger, might be the best one yet. Culbard and Leopard, keep up the amazing work.
—David Harper
Best Covers Jan 2015

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